Episode 23
Mobile Language Learning and Big News with Lindsay Does Languages
July 19th, 2015
1 hr 1 min 19 secs
About this Episode
Big news for the ladies of the Creative Language Learning Podcast in episode 20: Lindsay is engaged and Kerstin is married!
In this episode, you’ll hear:
- What makes a German wedding and an English engagement special
- Lindsay's and Kerstin's recent language learning updates - we've been learning Semaphore and Welsh!
- How do you use Memrise for language learning?
- Lindsay's exact process for learning a new way of communicating with online resources
- Should you speak early? Is there any reason to hold back?
Article of the Week
Can you really learn a language using mobile apps? on Languages around the Globe
Tips of the Week
Summer is my favourite season, so you won't have to guess hard to work out which tip I chose as the big tip of the week!
1) Get outside and away from all your screens for a summer's learning session
2) Make Language Study your first task of the day with Early Morning Study Sessions
3) Watch your foreign movie...but watch the commentary!
Tips and Links from this Podcast
- Memrise Semaphore Course
- Collins Easy Learning Dictionaries
- Ap Geriaduron, Welsh dictionary app
- LEO, German dictionary app and website
- Omniglot, a huge language resource
- Micro Robert, the French monolingual dictionary
Question of the Week
Are you in an international relationship? Maybe a bilingual one? Tell us your story of living across borders in the comments or over on Facebook!