Episode 6

X-Men, Game of Thrones, At the Gym...and Tips To Beat Stagnation


June 9th, 2014

32 mins 15 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

Hey folks, welcome to episode 4 of the Creative Language Learning Podcast. This one is a solo show, just me sharing what's new and what's been catching my attention recently. We'll be getting nerdy and practical!

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        <img class="thumb-image" alt="img ©HBO and Marvel" data-image="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/500fab79c4aa83ca4b6cacae/t/53931ad5e4b07bdfecacd6e7/1402149596236/language+learning+game+of+thrones+and+xmen+podcast.jpg" data-image-dimensions="1800x2400" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="53931ad5e4b07bdfecacd6e7" data-type="image" src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/500fab79c4aa83ca4b6cacae/t/53931ad5e4b07bdfecacd6e7/1402149596236/language+learning+game+of+thrones+and+xmen+podcast.jpg?format=1000w" />

      <p>img ©HBO and Marvel</p>

Over the past few weeks I have been writing a lot for my new book which is due to come out on the 31 July so I figured it was time to speak to you instead of writing even more! We will cover:

  • Unhelpful (?) Words For Language Learning

Language used to describe language learning does not have to be intimidating. In fact, it is just like going to the gym; if you push yourself too hard, you might end up doing yourself more damage than good. Both going to the gym and learning a new language involve some level of self-discipline, an element of focus and a sense of goal achievement.  Learning is very personal driven and cannot be compared to the learning progress of another person. 

Listen to the podcast to discover a simple process for establishing the right style for you. Here are some quick tips:

  1. Try lots of freebies before committing to buy
  2. Make good use of guarantees and free trials available with what you are looking for
  3. Follow up by investing in what is right for you
  • Language in Pop Culture: X-Men & Game of Thrones

Learning a foreign language creates a positive impact as demonstrated in two amazing pieces of work; the first of which is the amazing TV show called Game of Thrones, involving the story of Danaerys Targaryen, a young woman and how she uses her ability to learn a new language as a source of self-empowerment and control. The other piece is associated with the ‘shapeshifting’ character, Mystique in the X-Men movie series.

Based on this idea, do you think the language you speak can influence your personality?

Do you take on a different personality when you speak in another language?

  • Psychological barriers to language learning

Are you aware of any obstacles that may hinder your learning progress? The more language learners I tried to speak to If so, don’t worry: language learning doesn't have to be an abstract form of learning and it doesn't have to be restricted to your books.  It is meant to be fun and a break away from your usual studies!

Useful Links for Episode 4:

The babla Top Language Lovers competition

An Economist Article about Language and Personality

The X-men Movie Wiki - All About Mystique

Danaerys Targaryen on Game of Thrones

How Languages Are Made for Game of Thrones

Effortless Language learning? A discussion on the Fluent Blog