Episode 202

Words of the Year 2020


January 18th, 2021

1 hr 24 mins 31 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

There are two big types of news in this episode:

  1. Important celebrity word news from the worlds of Hilaria Baldwin and Wagatha Christie 🕵🏼
  2. Important annual word news from the Word of the Year committees around the world

It's a bumper episode as Lindsay dropped in to discuss all those words that made our 2020, including

  • lockdown
  • coronavirus
  • rona / Miss Rona
  • BLM / Black Lives Matter
  • Samfundssind
  • PPE
  • Karen


I have a bunch of small corrections from this episode:

  • I got the German gender letters wrong when talking about Gendersternchen and job applications, it’s not n for the 3rd option but d (to mean “divers”).
  • The French word "déconfinement" isn't "confinement"or "lockdown" but the period after: the confinement is being "undone", usually in small steps, a de-lockdown, so to say (Merci to Ines)
  • TERF stands for trans exclusionary radical feminist, which makes way more sense than my guess "revolutionary" (Thanks to Ines)

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