Episode 61

The Best Language Learning Tools for Summer 2017


July 20th, 2017

57 mins 59 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Welcome to Creative Language Learning Podcast episode 56, with our popular roundup of this season's hottest language learning resources and tools.

Pop Culture Moment

Lindsay has been watching Terrace House, a Japanese reality tv show.

I found Bore Da, a Welsh breakfast show that displays key vocab right on the screen. Its app even gives you individual items with associated vocab lists.

Anyone remember pop-up video? How could would it be to have pop-up vocab video?!

And now for the top tools

Grab your sunglasses, get out into the sunshine, and try these brand new language learning resources. This season, we're not all about online learning anymore as you'll hear how Lindsay and I are applying our best tips outside too.

1) Prettier Notes

2) Clozemaster

Play the game at www.clozemaster.com

3) Charity Shops and Library Sales

And here's what's awesome too.

Live Lingua Project

Dubbed YouTube Videos

  • Need inspiration? Start your search with disney classic "Let It Go"
  • Type your favourite show + your target language into the YouTube search bar

Subasub and Subscene

Advanced geeks can even create their own Anki cards using the subtitles on offer (we saw a talk about this at the Polyglot Gathering, but it kinda went over my head -- if you want to go for it, start here.

  • Search for a word or watch a movie while following the script to get the most out of this for learning languages
  • Check out this example of scripts mentioning Twin Peaks in English and Spanish